วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Best Mascara - Use Mascara Safely

Just a little tips before start make up with best mascara

  • First, you should know that it didn't good to share your best mascara. Spreading of bacteria which almost likely to live under your eyelid is the main cause of infection.

  • Second, don't rid of old dried out mascara, abandon try to get more out of the tube by adding water or worse, saliva. It just not worth the risk of infection. Suggest to use only fresh best mascara for good looking.

  • Every one know this choice very well but they still apply regular. Probably the number one tip for best mascara do not apply while in a moving vehicle or rush hour. We see women doing this all the time, I know time is short and you just have to finish your makeup in the car but wait and put that mascara on when you've arrived at your destination.

  • Don't store you best mascara into hot air place or any room where sun light can shine into you desk, it'll make your best mascara shape into curve.
    Remember that any best mascara need to take time for a while, that means you must use you attention to curve and shape. So choose you mascara which proper for you right hand or another hand will make better eye and easy to design new style.

  • Far too many women have scratched their eyes with the wand while applying on the move and a small scratch can lead to bacteria from the air entering that scratch and causing infection. Why risk it? Eye infections can be nasty and they sure aren't pretty. 

    Oh and by the way if you do get an eye infection from whatever source, get rid of the mascara you were using, it could contain bacteria. I know that can be hard to do if you just bought it but do you really want to risk infection?

    Now you almost already to start using your best mascara to apply your eyes. Follow using best mascara and other best mascara review